Nikki McMillan

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Are you feeling more lonely now than ever before?

Are you struggling with what the next best move and decisions are for you and your well-being?

Are you FED UP with giving all of your power and energy away to people and situations that cause you more pain and suffering than fulfillment?

I want you to know that I understand completely. I remember being in the same boat for OVER A DECADE! All my people pleasing, playing it safe, putting others wants and needs before my own at the cost of my emotional, mental and physical health was one of the BIGGEST sacrifices and repeated mistakes I had ever made.

Do you find yourself doing the same or similar right now in your own life...

I can recall like it was yesterday. In 2008 (our last global crisis) was when I began the habit of abandoning myself, that looked something like me doing anything and everything I could for others love, acceptance, approval, time and attention.

I thought if I could make things easy, simple and less complicated for others in my life that I would be able to earn their love, time and respect. I believed that if I just went along with what they sad and gave them the benefit of the doubt for how they treated me and accepted their apologies that things would blow over and our relationship would improve. But boy oh boy was I wrong.

What actually happened, the more I let people off the hook from their degrading toxic abusive behavior towards me: my boyfriend at the time, my sister, mother, some "friends" and co-workers the MORE and more I would get treated like an outside door mat filled with dirt and shit. And oh my god did it absolutely CRUSH my heart, sense of self worth, lovabilty and identity.

This went on like I said for over 10 FREAKING YEARS!!! It wasn't until I took responsibility for myself, my decisions, choices, responses, actions and how I allowed people to treat me that things begin to FINALLY shift and change.

Now did I wake up one morning and learn how to take my life and power back JUST LIKE THAT, hahaha that's cute! No, it didn't happen overnight like a fairy tale, I wish!

My life transformation happened by me being willing to get really honest with myself in how I was showing up each day for myself internally and externally. That looked something like I WASN'T doing very well at all. And looked and felt more like me betraying myself, my needs, my heart, soul and overall well-being. Not a very good road I'd been traveling.

After realizing how much I was abandoning myself and falling into a deep depression was right around the time I discovered Life Coaching. I am so glad I came across this help when I did because I don't know what my next move might have been if I didn't, seriously. I was that lost, frighten, confused and hopeless about my life.

Fast forward, today I am now living life on MY terms! I met the man of my DREAMS who gets me and loves me for me and who I get to go through these crazy times with that we're in right now, we have been able to travel the world together every few months these past 4 years, I have some of the most fulfilling and rewarding friendships I'd ever had, I also have very healthy boundaries in place with family members who I love but do from a respectful distance, I'm in the healthiest and fittest shape of my life, but the MOST rewarding and purposeful in all of my transformation is being able to help women JUST LIKE YOU create the exact same in their own life!

For the past 4 years I've been helping women in 'A Confident Woman Unleashed' my 90 day signature program take their Life + Power back, in record time! If you're ready to heal from your past, re-discover your true self-worth, raise your standards in life, love and your relationships, set MUCH NEEDED boundaries with those in your life where seriously need to be set, and most importantly are ready and COMMITTED to creating, living and experiencing a fulfilling, meaningful and purposeful life on YOUR terms, I can help you! Schedule in a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call to learn your next steps! Stop procrastinating, the time is NOW!!!😘

With love,
