Boundaries give your peace


Do you find yourself having a hard time setting boundaries with others?

Do you find yourself having a hard time setting boundaries with yourself - your fear, procrastination and excuses?

HOW MUCH LONGER are you willing to let having a lack of boundaries run your life, goals and dreams?...

Here's the deal (and truth) setting boundaries is hard. It's so hard because you don't want to disappoint, upset or hurt others feelings especially those you really love and care about.

But here's the thing, EVERYDAY you're teaching the people in your life how to treat you. If your not liking how others are treating you and how they're showing up, it's your responsibility to "fix" the situation.

The numbers are RECORD BREAKING when it comes to women lacking boundaries, standards and self-respect. THIS HAS GOT TO SHIFT.


Well, for starters you got to get to a point where you're fed up with feeling depleted, burned-out, taken advantage of and just sick n tired of doing, doing, giving, giving and settling for crumbs in return.

Many of you I suspect have HIGH EXPECTATIONS that if you give your all, go over and beyond for other people at the HIGH COST of your very own mental and emotional well-being that these people will do the same for you. And, this just isn't the case I'm sorry to say.

What I see happen OFTEN is the opposite. For example, let's say your in a relationship with someone and you're the one who is quick to drop what your doing immediately to "rescue" them, or to make yourself available every time they need you. When you get in the habit of doing this over and over, your indirectly expressing to this person that they're more important than you, your indirectly telling them that their needs, wants and goals take top priority and importance over your own. And this my love is one of the most common ways of how relationships end up turning one-sided, abusive and not a safe space to express your true self, needs and wants.

Now, it's not like you consciously wanted to create this sort of dynamic in your relationship, of course not! The truth is, this was learned behavior from your childhood upbringing, 99.9% of the time, it always is.

Conclusion - If you want to transform your relationships with others and get REALLY good at setting healthy boundaries, you have to get to the root cause of the matter. You must be willing to do the "deep inner work" of processing your past, healing it and letting it go. NOT continuing to suppress and stuff it. You already know that this strategy hasn't been working out to well for you. So you gotta try the other way love.

If you are truly committed to doing this "deep inner work" I can help! For the past 5 years I've been teaching my clients in "A Confident Woman Unleashed" my 90 day signature program step-by-step one day at a time how to take their LIfe & Power Back so they can start living it on their terms and start calling in healthy "unconditional" love. If you're READY, book in a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call to learn your next steps!😘

BIG Hugs,



Commitment to self


Lay down the armor