Rewrite your story

Are you FED UP with feeling stuck in your life, with unfulfilling relationships, being overweight, feeling fatigued all the time, not having direction or a worthwhile goal or purpose to work towards each day?

HOW LONG have you been feeling this way?

HOW MUCH LONGER are you willing to continue feeling and living this way?

Listen, I get it, I honestly do! For over a DECADE I was that woman who never felt good enough, worthy, confident or like my life had any true meaning. I was just going with the days, weeks, months and years doing what I thought others wanted and what I thought they expected of me. I basically did a bang up good job at suppressing my feelings, loneliness, hurt and depression so I would be approved of, accepted, loved, invited out and you know "fit in" with the rest of the them. What a HUGE SHIT SHOW this was in all of my 20's until hitting rock bottom at 30!

Over 80% of Americans (more of that % being women) are living this way right now, not saying a word or doing a damn thing about it! Just sitting feeling hopeless, giving their power away to others, society and waiting for someone to come and save them. Fucking crazy, right?! Hear me love, NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!!! THIS IS YOUR JOB!!! #truthbomb

It wasn't until my life got REALLY BAD that I decided to wake the hell up, take PERSONAL responsibility for myself and future and got my ass to work on making the changes that I knew I needed to make and that were MY JOB to make to improve my situation - MY LIFE. This was NOT ANYONE ELSE'S RESPONSIBILITY, just mine!

When I hit what I call rock bottom 6 years ago, that's when I went through the pain of looking in the mirror and owning my shit. This WAS NOT FUN by any means, but was it necessary... you betcha!!

Feeling burned out from working so hard in my career, killing myself to meet everyone else's needs, people pleasing to the max because I feared not being liked and abandoned, going into debt trying to fit in with the "Joneses", staying in emotionally abusive relationships because hey "at least I have someone on my arm" WAY PAST their expiration date, suffering with chronic back pain, waking up EXTREMELY OVERWHELMED almost everyday had finally took it's toll on me come age 30. And, I AM SO HAPPY IT DID!! TRULY!!

If I hadn't hit my breaking point 6 years ago, AIN'T NO FREAKING WAY I'd be where I am in my life today. During the middle of this massive break down was when I discovered Life Coaching, and my beautiful coach Christine. My coach taught me how to TRULY heal and free myself from my childhood, past emotionally abusive relationships and my perceived failures. She taught me how to rediscover my TRUE self-worth, value and confidence within, how to create new EMPOWERING self-concepts and beliefs about myself, other people and the way the world works. She taught me how to reprogram my subconscious mind, how to reinvent myself and ultimately how to "rewrite a new story" for my life and future. She taught me how to raise my standards, set boundaries, speak my truth and ultimately how to NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS EVER AGAIN NO MATTER WHAT personally, physically, romantically, financially AND also how to up my spirituality. Spirituality is a VERY important piece to happiness and fulfillment, most people are missing out of this KEY ingredient in their lives.

Because of her guidance, love, tools, resources and commitment to my transformation, I've been able to create an AMAZING life for myself over the last 5 years!

Today, I am engaged to the man of my dreams who I've traveled the world with 3 to 4 times a year to breathtaking countries (New Zealand and Prague being my fav), we own a lovely home together and getting ready to design and build our dream one here soon hopefully within the next year. I've healed myself from 10 years of terrible chronic back pain, no longer struggle with unhealthy weight issues, not stressed about debt anymore, plenty of money in the bank, have AMAZING beautiful authentic relationships with some of my most beloved family members and like minded girlfriends, feel fantastic in my skin, body, mind and heart, BUT MOST FULFILLING OF ALL in my life is that I'm living out my true purpose in helping women JUST LIKE YOU all around the world to heal and free themselves from their past too!

For the past 5 years I've been helping my clients in "A Confident Woman Unleashed" my 90 day signature program create the fulfilling life and relationships they're worthy of and 100% DESERVE, period! This deep inner healing work I teach has led my clients to OVERCOMING their self-doubt, fear, procrastination, settling for less in love and in pay, health issues and so much more - AND FAST!!! If you're ready to be next, I invite you to apply to work with me You must be serious, ready and committed to investing in yourself and to showing up for yourself each day for the next 90 days!! If this does not describe you, my program isn't for you. So, serious inquires only please!

BIG Hugs & Love

Nikki πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›


Are you for real this time


What are your daily habits