Nikki McMillan

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Teach others how to love you

A lot of the upset that you might feel throughout the day has more to do with issues from your past than it does with what's going on in the very moment.

For example...

Are you worrying yourself to death with obsessing about the relationship you're in right now wondering whether it will last, get better, if he will change his ways, if he will start doing what he's promising and etc.

Do you have all your energy and focus on whether or not you will be good enough for this date, job interview, new friend, new town and etc.

Your anxiety, obsessive thoughts and feelings over these situations has SO MUCH more to do with your unhealed past than it does with THIS particular situation today.

When you don't process the feelings that come up for you in ANY situation properly, you end up suppressing them and keeping this energy trapped within the cells of your body. This is very important to understand.

Your "fight or flight" tendencies are due to your suppressed emotions, period! The more you push things under the rug, avoid your fear and not deal with emotions coming up for you, the more you will unconsciously self sabotage. This isn't good my love. You continuously sabotaging yourself will only dig a deeper hole eventually leading to rock bottom, and trust me you definitely do not want that for yourself. I've been there and it WASN'T a pleasure by any means. I did not have to suffer for as long as I did!

Are you ready to here some GOOD NEWS now😉?

The TRUTH is we all have unprocessed and unhealed emotions and baggage from our past and we don't even realize that THIS is what's been keeping us putting up with  toxic, abusive and other shitty behaviors in relationships; romantically, family, friends and professional.

It's not until we get honest with ourselves and REALLY face our past, heal it and let it go that anything will have the power to change in our everyday lives with our everyday relationships and our everyday goals and dreams.

This facing your past and working through it isn't something that needs to take sitting on a couch with a therapist for 10 years! This process can be worked through thoroughly and actually pleasantly in 90 days or less. The KEY is having the right tools, resources and teacher guiding you step-by-step on your journey to success and freedom.

When you do this 'deep inner work' of feeling, healing, letting go, creating new concepts of yourself, new productive habits, an ideal Roadmap for success (success in relationships with others and with yourself) that feels aligned for You... then bottoms up babe!!! You're most certainty on your way to creating and living a very fulfilling life on YOUR terms!!!

THIS is the work and process I've been teaching my rockstar clients for the past 4 years in 'A Confident Woman Unleashed' my 90 day signature program and it WORKS!! See for yourself If you're ready to be next, I invite you to book in a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call with me here pronto  Chat soon goddess!😉