The fucked up thing about fear

Fear is the number ONE thing that keeps so many women tolerating and settling for WAY LESS than they are worthy of and deserve.

The fucked up thing about FEAR is that it's not even your true nature. Don't forget you were born into this world a pure clean slate - whole, complete, enough and a cute little bundle of joy and love.

Unfortunately though, you were also very helpless and at the mercy of another and what their outlook and feelings were on life and love.

Maybe you had wonderful parents or an amazing caretaker in your life. However, if were being very honest here, most of us grew up in dysfunctional childhoods. Maybe you were exposed to a lot of arguing and yelling in the home, abandoned by mom or dad, money was always hard to come by, mom struggled with depression or wasn't emotionally available. dad always worked and hardly ever paid much attention to you, maybe there was physical abuse or substance abuse...

Whatever it was like for you growing up has played a HUGE PART in how you see yourself, other people and the way the world works. Your upbringing has EVERYTHING to do with how you FEEL about your own self-worth, value and loveablity today. The choices and decisions you make personally, professionally, physically, financially and especially - in your RELATIONSHIPS.

When you grow up in a dysfunctional environment and haven't done much HEALING WORK from it you'll end up repeating the same cycle and patterns in adulthood. This cycle being repeated isn't on purpose, it's all done on an unconscious level. For example, if mom and dad didn't have a healthy relationship, if it was toxic and verbally abusive towards one another or they were verbally and emotionally abusive towards you, guess what my love, you will be attracted to the same kind of relationship. Again, not on purpose are you attracting this into your life, but on a subconscious level you are and that's because DEEP DOWN you don't feel worthy of unconditional healthy love.

You want to hear the GOOD NEWS though?! Here's what's awesome about YOUR life today! You're now an adult, a grown as woman who can make her own choices and decisions moving forward, you're no longer at the mercy of your parents or anyone else for that matter. YOU now have the power to CHOOSE what you will tolerate in life and in love from this day forward. You can choose happiness and fulfillment or settling for less and unnecessary pain and drama. I encourage you to CHOOSE the better and higher path and I want to show you exactly how this works.

For the past 5 years, I've been helping my clients in "A Confident Woman Unleashed" my 90 day signature program heal from their past, overcome a broken heart, rediscover their TRUE self-worth and value, create UNSTOPPABLE self-confidence within, healthy self-loving habits and ultimately HOW to call in healthy unconditional love once and for all!✨💛✨

If you are READY, serious and committed to taking this healing journey with me and to finally "rewrite your story" I'd love to help you! Book in a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call to learn your next steps! STOP waiting and wasting your precious time and heart on the people and things that aren't worthy of you! CHOOSE to take YOUR life back NOW!!! Let's go love! Schedule today Serious inquires only please!




Dear future, I am ready...


Are you living the life you want