What! I have to take responsibility?!

TODAY you get to make a choice to give your power away to what other people think of you and to settle for their approval and acceptance. Or today, you can choose to believe in yourself, raise your standards, set boundaries where needed, and take ACTION in life where you've been procrastinating.

YOU, my love, are 100% responsible for your happiness and fulfillment each day. STOP putting this responsibility on others. Your happiness is not other people's job or responsibility. It's 100% YOURS!!!

HOW LONG have you been walking on egg-shells because you're afraid someone will not like the real you. Or because you're worried you may upset or make them feel uncomfortable?

HOW LONG have you been suffering in silence because you're afraid to speak up to ask for what you want and need or because you're worried that this person might leave you?

This was my story for years. So I understand exactly how you feel. For over a decade, I worked my butt off, trying to "fit in" and be liked. I never spoke up. I would sacrifice my emotional, physical, and financial well-being for others' approval, love, and acceptance of me. I'd stay in toxic and loveless relationships way past their expiration date. And I'd hit repeat on this pattern over and over year after year because I feared being alone.

This behavior cost me a lot! Because I was so obsessed with others liking me and wanting me, I ended up developing chronic back pain, getting myself into tons of debt, which evolved to bankruptcy. And selling my soul to a 10-year career that led me to hit rock bottom at the ripe old age of 30.

However, the blessing of hitting rock bottom 6 years ago was it also led me to my spiritual awakening. When the rug was pulled out from underneath me, it forced me to get honest with myself and my choices. I had to take a good long hard look in the mirror and ask myself: "Did I want to continue living for others' approval, or did I want to start living life on my terms?" The answer, of course, I was ready to take my life and power back. And that's what I did!

Soon after I made the decision to start living life on my terms, I discovered life coaching. My coach very quickly taught me how to process years of suppressed emotion, shame, anger, and fear. She also taught me how to create new concepts and beliefs about myself. Beliefs like "I am enough," "I can trust myself," "I have everything I need to succeed," "I am loved," and "I can have what I want." And, productive daily habits such as a daily gratitude practice, meditation, reading books on personal development for 15-20 minutes a day, how to eat more clean and exercise regularly, how to speak my truth, raise my standards, set boundaries where needed and how to take action on my goals one-step-at-a-time, consistently, and in a sustainable way.

Fast forward to today, I am engaged to an AMAZING man. We've traveled the world together side by side over the past four years to beautiful places like New Zealand, Spain, and Costa Rica. We bought a lovely home together. I healed myself from over 10 years of chronic back pain, and now I'm in the healthiest, fittest shape of my life. But most rewarding of all is I started my own coaching practice helping women JUST LIKE YOU who are stuck in a place now where I used to be 6 years ago.

For the past 5 years, I've been teaching my clients how to heal from their past, like how I was able to do so they can move forward with creating a fulfilling life on their terms. If you're ready to do the same, I invite you to apply for 'A Confident Woman Unleashed', my 90-day signature program. Book in a free 30 Minute Clarity Call here http://bit.ly/nikkiclaritycall to learn your next steps!

A beautiful and fulfilling life is waiting for you just around the corner. But you must take the next step. I can help you! I hope to see you on the inside soon! 

Xoxo ~Nikki


What does your daily self-care practice look like?


The best gift you can give yourself