Wonder why you take people's shitty behavior day after day?

Have you ever wondered why you take people's shitty behavior day after day?

Ever wonder why it's so hard for you to speak up and defend yourself?

Are you SICK N TIRED of living your life this way, tolerating WAY LESS than you know at your core you're worthy of and deserve, and can have in life?

Well, dag nab it, good! FINALLY!!! I'm so glad you're FED UP with just coasting and letting life happen to you. That's a start, the most important start as a matter of fact, if you want things to start shifting for the better. That's great, babe.

So, here's what's next...You MUST be willing to get a little uncomfortable and stretch yourself bit by bit each day. What do I mean by this? Well, you have to start being intentional with starting out your days differently than you're now in order to increase your self-belief, sense of worthiness, and self-confidence.

Here's a few examples of what I mean and what you can start doing on your own:

  • Work on upgrading your mindset by reading personal development books

  • Changing your thoughts and images of what's possible for you by using visualization

  • Calm your central nervous system and get grounded in your mind and body before you kickoff the day by doing deep breath work

  • Commit to some type of physical/exercise/body movement first thing in the morning like yoga or walking

  • Have a mini spiritual go-to practice that helps you connect with a higher-power/universe/God/nature like meditation

These are just a few examples on how to start the process of REALLY changing the quality of your life and the trajectory of your future.

For YEARS, over a decade to be exact, I was someone who just let life happen to me. I was that girl who just took people's abusive behavior, broken promises, situational love, and tolerated it. I was nothing but a doormat and people new that which is why they got away with it over and over again. I never stood up for myself and that's exactly why I got what I got in my life, relationships, and in my career.

Because I didn't know my worth, value, nor respected myself back then, I created a lot of ongoing suffering, unsafety, and drama in my life.

The moment I decided that ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH, which was when I basically hit what I call my rock-bottom; another failed relationship, no true supportive girlfriends, burnout in my career, 20 pounds over weight, lots of credit card debt, chronic back pain, and trust me, there's more. That's when I decided and said to myself, "I'll do WHATEVER THE FUCK IT TAKES to get control of my life."

When that became my number ONE focus, the floodgates opened! I discovered the help that I needed, and my life hasn't been the same since, thank fucking gosh!

COOLEST part of all, is that it didn't take long for me to start making positive progress and shifts in my life. Actually, A LOT of change began happening for me in just a few months!!

TODAY, I'm engaged to an amazing guy, (super sexy too!) I lost the 20 pounds and have kept it off, however I'm working on my fitness/sculpting body even more these days which has been fun to see the transformation. I have beautiful REAL girlfriends in my life who are positive, genuine and ambitious like me. I've traveled across the U.S. and other far away countries with my man by my side over the last 4 years. Most rewarding and fulfilling of all is I've been able to teach other women JUST LIKE YOU how to do the same for themselves!

For the last six years now, I've been teaching and helping women "how-to" let go of their past and the people who are no longer healthy for their life. How to build their belief and confidence in them self, create better lifestyle habits, meet an amazing man who know how to treat them like a QUEEN, and how to progress further professionally all in my 90-Day Signature Life-Coaching Program.

If this sounds like something you're READY to do too, I invite you to book in a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call http://bit.ly/nikkiclaritycall to learn your next move in how to work with me personally one-on-one in "A Confident Woman Unleashed," 90-Day Signature Program. 

Here's a bit more detail if you need it before scheduling your call https://aconfidentwomanunleashed.com/signature-program.I look forward to helping you make SIGNIFICANT progress and shifts in your life, relationships, and career in just a FEW SHORT MONTHS like my clients and I did! Serious inquires only, please. 




Tired of just going through the motions?


The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it