Nikki McMillan

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You have to want change more than you fear it.

Are you ready to learn how to rediscover your true self-worth, value, and confidence?

How ready are you, really?

Most of the time, you can tell you're ready when your willing to step into discomfort and uncertainty for a bit. This might look like choosing to spend more time alone, speaking up, and expressing your feelings more without apology, but still respectively. For example, when the things you used to do, excessive drinking, dating, and eating, are no longer giving you that fix or release like they once did. And most of all, enrolling yourself into therapy or hiring a life-coach. 

It's nearly impossible to improve your life and relationship with yourself if not much of what you do on the daily changes. I'll tell you straight up, CHANGE IS HARD. It almost requires you to hit rock bottom before you take the necessary steps to help yourself. Rock bottom is different for everyone. It can look or feel like deep depression, anxiety, heartbreak, weight gain, explosive raging behavior, self-doubt, fear of failure, loneliness, and more. 

What you want to do is ask yourself, "How do I feel when I wake-up each day; what are my thoughts, beliefs, habits, and other tendencies first thing in the morning and throughout the day?" If you're not excited, proud of, or inspired by your answer, then I think this would be a clear indicator that you're close to "your" rock bottom or have already hit it. Rock bottom doesn't have to be a death scare, bankruptcy, or abuse. It can be more subtle than that. If you're not waking up most days feeling grateful, joyful, proud of yourself and where you're headed in life, this is a red flag for the path you're currently on.

Think about this question: What's scarier? The thought of where you'll be in the next three to five years, if not much changes in your life and relationships now? Or, the thought of making many changes one-step at a time, and where you'll be three, six, and twelve months from now?

Based on psychology studies and readings, the first question's answer needs to be more scary and frightening for you than the second. Because that's what will ignite a fire under your butt more, the fear of your life staying the same and probably getting even worse. This is what gets you moving and changing asap if you're someone who is committed to transformation and a better life for yourself and your family. 

Fear is a big motivator. I wish it were the other way around, but that's not how our brain works, unfortunately. Oh, psychology, I wish it were different sometimes. It can be a serious mind fu*k.

If you're someone who is committed and dedicated to turning your life and relationship habits, patterns, and outcomes around for the better, reach out to me, I can help you. I've been teaching and walking my clients through the tools and steps of how to heal from their past, create healthier mental, emotional, and daily physical habits, and a healthy loving relationship with themselves and others for the last five years in "A Confident Woman Unleashed" my 90-day signature program. If you would like to be next, schedule a free 30 minute Clarity Call here to learn your next steps! I hope we'll be speaking soon. 

