Nikki McMillan

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Your inner committee

Not sure what your next step is in this relationship, job opportunity, or with this weight loss goal?

Have you been frozen with doubt and fear for the last few months on what is the best decision to make?

Are you tired of stalling and not doing ANYTHING at all wasting your precious time and energy?

Whether you know it or not, ALL of us have an inner committee going on in our minds making our choices on a day to day basis or total lack there of due to the paralyzing fear of making the "wrong" decision. Our inner committee is scared shit less of making another mistake. This team working behind the scenes in your subconscious really believes its keeping you safe and sound, but in actuality these thoughts and beliefs (your inner committee) is what's keep you STUCK and suffering in life.

Your inner committee NEEDS to be acknowledged productivity, compassionately and healed from her past so she can move forward.

So many of us have experienced abandonment, loneliness, different types of major dysfunctional relations, lack of our basic emotional needs being met by our parents, abuse and maybe even poverty growing up. Given this type of history, wouldn't it make complete and total since why YOU may feel and fear the way you do today?

This is WHY you are unknowingly creating the relationships and situations that you find yourself in time and time again. Of course you're not doing this intentionally my love, I know that. It's more a generational pattern and belief system that is happening behind the scenes that your inner committee is orchestrating.

The GOOD NEWS now, it doesn't have to remain this way much longer if you get committed to healing and rewriting your story. This wont take sitting on a couch with a therapist for 10 years either, I promise! But it will take your willingness and energy of doing the 'deep inner work' necessary and required to start getting NEW results in your life- relationships, career and with your health.

THIS is the process, deep inner healing work and Roadmap I've been teaching my clients for the past 4 years in 'A Confident Woman Unleashed' my 90 day signature program. If you're READY and COMMITTED to letting go of what is no longer serving you and moving on with creating a fulfilling and purposeful life on your terms, then I definitely want to help you! Book in a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call