You're worth the same love that you so freely give to others

Aren't you OVER feeling disappointed and frustrated with your relationships going sour year after year?

Aren't you TIRED of doubting your worth, value and lovability?

Aren't you FED UP with feeling like something's wrong with you, like YOUR the problem when things don't pan out...

Oh my god love, I hear you, and I totally get what you're going through! It's EXHAUSTING never feeling good enough, constantly doubting one's self and ALWAYS second guessing what decisions to make when being faced with disrespect from others, fear of loneliness and fear of judgement. I truly get it.

These are HARD feelings and emotions to navigate through for sure! No doubt about it.

However, the more you continue to avoid, run and numb out from feeling your feelings of loneliness, fear and self-doubt, the more they'll just continue to GROW and take over. I know you don't want to keep experiencing this and I don't want this for you either.

Please remember that you're a spiritual being having a human experience. The HUMAN experience is designed to have many problems and designed for them to ALWAYS be SOLVED. Because, the purpose of your life is to Learn, Grow and Evolve.

You can't learn, grow and evolve if you never experience failure, disappointment, heartache and fear. ALL of these things, experiences and emotions are mandatory for life. NOT saying fun, but necessary and required for spiritual growth?... you betcha! It's time to get with this understanding and truth. The faster you jump on board with your spiritual growth and healing journey, in human experience form, the FASTER you'll heal from emotional pain, fears around loneliness and failure, and from relationships that are no longer serving you. MOST relationships are only meant to be a few chapters or seasons in your life because remember you have to learn and grow from them. If you continue to SETTLE in unhealthy toxic relationships after they've reached their expiration date, the longer your suffering will be and the longer you'll keep yourself from being introduced to the love of your life.

When you notice RED FLAGS in your relationships, acknowledge them, don't pretend like they aren't there or make excuses for them. See them for what they are and love yourself enough to learn from the experience. The more you do, the MORE you'll be actively rediscovering your souls TRUE self-worth, value and lovability. And this is POWERFUL! Absolutely LIFE CHANGING! You wont be sorry, I promise!😊💕👍

If you're new to the "healing journey" and to rediscovering your TRUE self-worth, value and self-confidence from within, I'd love to guide and support you along the way. For the past 5 years I've been helping my clients in "A Confident Woman Unleashed" my 90 day signature program work through this process STEP-BY-STEP just one day at a time and I'm pretty good at it. If you're ready, I invite you to book in a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call to learn your next step in how you can work with me. Hope to be chatting soon!😘

BIG Hugs



Get back up and try again


Dear future, I am ready...