Nikki McMillan

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Create happiness from within

Are you struggling to find peace, contentment and overall basic happiness each day?

Are you feeling intensely overwhelmed or anxious and not understanding the reason WHY?

Are you fed up with letting life pass you by week by week, month by month and year by year with NO drastic change, improvement, progress or anything that you can truly be proud of and excited about?

I want you to know that YOU are not alone in feeling this way. There are more women than you know who are RIGHT NOW quietly suffering inside feeling lost, fearful, inferior and are afraid to listen to their deeper inner wiser self that is telling them to leave the abusive relationship, get out! That is telling them to take a risk on that business idea and venture, if not you'll regret it 10 years from now! That deeper inner wiser voice telling YOU that you have what it takes, you just have to believe in yourself and take the first step, just take ACTION!

For over a decade I gave my power away to people, family and friends because I desperately wanted to fit in, have their approval and acceptance. I got into relationships with men KNOWING in my bones that it was wrong, would cause a lot of pain and I would end up losing myself in it. I would ignore my instincts to have companionship no matter how toxic and abusive it was. I would set aside my values to meet other people's needs at the COST of my physical and emotional health and also at the cost of my financial security (I somewhere along the way came up with this idea that I had to pay my boyfriend's bills to make him want me more and to feel like I was worthy of his love, how messed up was that limited twisted belief. Looking back on it, this is what I witnessed my mom doing in some of her romantic relationships.)

So I ask YOU, at what cost are you willing to keep and stay in relationship with the wrong person because you're afraid to be single for a bit to work on yourself?

At what COST are you willing to continue going through life suppressing your true feelings, goals and desires?

HOW long are you willing to torture yourself and put up with a clearly dysfunctional relationship?

How much longer are YOU willing to wake up every morning walking into that soul sucking job of yours?

From personal experience, what you're thinking will change, get easier and improve over time by just "sticking it out" in your relationship and in your job right now ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT!!! Don't keep fooling yourself.

Don't make the same mistakes I did for over a DECADE, it isn't worth the pain, suffering and damage to your overall well-being.

Here's what happened to me before I decided to get my life authentically aligned and on MY terms again, or actually for the first time ever! I had a break down which I now like to reframe as having a 'spiritual awakening'. I got to a point in my life where I had gained 20 pounds, developed chronic back pain, break outs all over my face like I was back in high-school again, I got myself into over 20k in debt, into toxic relationship after toxic relationship and met EVERYONE else's needs at the cost of my very own mental and emotional well-being. And, this isn't even all of it!!

It was 5 years ago when I changed ALL OF MY suffering. I met my life coach, Christine. I asked her for her help and confided in her with 100% honesty and responsibility. My coach gave me the profound tools, resources and accountability that no one ever had before, not my parents, friends, therapist, mentors or anyone. She had a certain and intuitive way on guiding me through step-by-step on exactly what I needed to do to heal, let go and to move forward with my life in a positive and extremely confident and productive way.

Fast forward to the RESULTS of what I've been able to create in a short time after working with her: met my fiance 5 months later, lost the 20 pounds in a healthy fun and sustainable way, been able to travel the world with my fiance every 3 to 4 months out of the year (India most recently, that was an AMAZING life changing trip in itself), by a new house and step into the work of my calling and purpose which is now helping women JUST LIKE YOU do and create the same for yourself. It's been one heck of a journey and I HIGHLY recommend every woman do the same...TAKE YOUR POWER AND LIFE BACK!!!

For the past 4 years I've been teaching and coaching women in 'A Confident Woman Unleashed' my 90 day signature program step-by-step exactly how to heal and let go of their past and move forward to FINALLY creating a fulfilling life on their terms!! If you're ready to take this journey with me I invite you to hop on my calendar asap! Book in a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call to learn your next steps today!!

Hope to see you on the inside!!😘