It's an inside job first

All of us develop specific defense strategies and compensatory strategies to keep us "safe" now in today's world.

Most of these strategies are formed based on our childhood experiences and most of them are doing more harm for us than good. 

Subconsciously we don't even realize that we are operating on specific strategies that are holding us back or keeping us stuck in life.

One of my recent clients has a strategy of "people pleasing" which has also become a 'habit' at a very HIGH COST of her happiness and well-being in relationships.

For the past 7 years she has experienced loneliness, depression and disappointment after disappointment in her friendships, relationships with some of her most prominent family members and romantically.

She didn't understand that by being everything to everyone else, putting their priorities before her own, being available on their terms endlessly had really been her teaching them how she valued herself and her worth as a woman.

You see, EVERYDAY we are teaching and showing people how to treat us verbally and non-verbally. Our ACTIONS are so much louder than words. You MUST start working on yourself first before you can expect anything different than what you're currently experiencing in your relationships AND in all the other areas of your life that are important to you.


The inside most be worked on before you can expect different results on the outside; relationships, career success and in your health.

THIS is the 'deep inner work' I've been teaching and coaching my clients on for the past 4 years in 'A Confident Woman Unleashed' my 90 day signature program.

If you want to start experiencing NEW fulfilling and abundant results in your relationships, professional life and overall well-being, reach out to me ASAP. Book in a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call today to learn your next steps towards taking this journey of creating a fulfilling life on YOUR terms! Book here 😘


Create happiness from within


Relating to problems