Nikki McMillan Nikki McMillan


Are you feeling more lonely now than ever before?

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Breaking up
Nikki McMillan Nikki McMillan

Breaking up

What if this break-up IS the best thing for you right now?

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Fearing the unknown
Nikki McMillan Nikki McMillan

Fearing the unknown

Do you feel like you SO badly want to change your current situation but you just can't get over the hump of fearing the unknown?

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Your inner committee
Nikki McMillan Nikki McMillan

Your inner committee

Not sure what your next step is in this relationship, job opportunity, or with this weight loss goal?

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Teach others how to love you
Nikki McMillan Nikki McMillan

Teach others how to love you

A lot of the upset that you might feel throughout the day has more to do with issues from your past than it does with what's going on in the very moment.

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Set high standards
Nikki McMillan Nikki McMillan

Set high standards

MYTH: The more I sacrifice, obey and be nice the more I will be appreciated, respected and loved by others.

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It's an inside job first
Nikki McMillan Nikki McMillan

It's an inside job first

All of us develop specific defense strategies and compensatory strategies to keep us "safe" now in today's world.

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Relating to problems
Nikki McMillan Nikki McMillan

Relating to problems

Do you find yourself settling for a lot less in love and for less when it comes to work fulfillment?

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Travel with those you love
Nikki McMillan Nikki McMillan

Travel with those you love

Traveling the world was something I ALWAYS wanted to do young, not when I was old and achy with low energy.

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